sick game

  • Question #1  
  • What topic did you chose to explore?
  •  i chose to do video games

    • Question #2  
    • Why did you chose this topic, was it a previous interest or would you like to learn more about it.  
    • I chose this post because I thought it was a very interesting photo and I thought it was weird how the farmer let their cows walk around and do whatever they want, it is a nice farm though.

    • Question #3 
    • Give 3 examples of where you find this type of media in your everyday life.  
    • you can find video games almost anywhere! They have ads on almost any website. There's also ads on you tube videos.
    • Question #4  
    • Using your chosen visual aid to answer, what purpose does this media serve and who is the target audience
    •  using my visual aid- I think they are trying to reach middle aged kids and teens who have a creative mind who like to spend hours playing a video game and build up their farm or "empire"

    • Question # 5  
    • Why did you chose the specific visual aid and how does it best represent you chosen topic?   
    • i chose this visual aid because it is my favorite video game, it best represents my topic because it is a well known video game and many people play this game. 
