MEDIA CRITIQUE Commercial / Advertisement

Unlimited Future                                                                                                                                          

1.       This ad creates a sense of motivation. This ad shows a man walking around in a room full of babies telling them how no one can decide what life they’re born into but the can decide what their future holds by working hard, then the babies grow up to be superstar athletes. Motivating you to work hard to become what you want and change your future.

2.       The babies are all born the same but Nike used names of superstar athletes on their cribs to represent that you can do anything you want if you put your mind and heart into it.

3.       They used their logo and slogan at the very end to keep the story intact. Once you’re into it and feel motivated, Nike drops their slogan to increase the chance of you buying their product.

4.       The ad has many different babies which are of different races to represent that no one can choose what they’re born into but they can decide their own future.

5.       The background is a daycare thing to represent that no one can choose what they’re born into and what life they live while their younger.

6.       A man is walking around babies motivating them to change their future, then the babies grow up to be superstar athletes. This is significant because it can motivate anybody watching the ad to change their future and become great in life.

7.       I believe one of the themes would be unfairness because some people are born into rich lives or happy lives, while others are born into poor or abusive lives. As in the ad the guy specifically mentions you don’t decide where you come from or if you have a place to call home. 

8.       There is no specific item being advertised, however the brand is advertising itself as a whole. Nike plays a big role in the sports world, many people buy their clothes/shoes because they believe it will make them perform better as shown in many ads.

9.       There are many extreme close up shots to show babies facial expressions as well as the man that’s walking around the room, to get a feel for the ad and get really interested.

10.   The attitude is how children are born into different lives, everyone is born the same. If you want to be a champion then you have to work hard. Champions weren’t born champions, they were born babies.
